Ready! Steady! GOOOOOO!!!

It got a little warm on Thursday! .. the kids enjoyed there icy poles.

Nick getting presented with a beautiful drawing by the days mascot, Sara! Thanks, Sara!

Some action shots from the children on Tuesday and yesterday, Oct 10, at Lake Joondalup Baptist College. Photo taken on the school's Eastern Oval by Joondalup Drive

Some last day celebrations! A very big THANK YOU to the 45 children who were there!

Some last day celebrations! A very big THANK YOU to the 45 children who were there!

Just a few of the children who were very kindly given a fridge magnet this week by our local member of parliament, Mr. Albert Jacob. Mr Jacob holds dearly the need for all families to make themselves aware of basic First Aid procedures, such as the "D R S A B C D"

Well done Aaron! Yet another outstanding season with Joondalup United; the children at the Sorrento primary venue are very lucky to have such an outstanding player coaching them.

With thanks to Gregory Botha photography.

With thanks to Gregory Botha photography.

With thanks to Gregory Botha photography.

With thanks to Gregory Botha photography.

With thanks to Gregory Botha photography.

With thanks to Gregory Botha photography.

With thanks to Gregory Botha photography.

With thanks to Gregory Botha photography.